Work Injury Claims

We can help reduce your costs and your risks associated with Workers Compensation insurance. Lowering premium costs by aggregating companies… The concept is simple. The more volume you are buying, the more buying power you have. The large employer with 5,000 employees obviously has more buying power than the company with 50 employees. The big company gets better pricing on workers compensation, group health insurance, payroll processing, etc.

Workers Compensation insurance problems consistently rank high on small business owners’ list of main concerns. These include:

  • High premium costs
  • Large down payments A Minimum of 20%
  • Payroll audits
  • Paperwork, government regulations, and the internal costs and potential fines associated with both.

Got Questions? We Have Answers.

Reduce Group Medical Premiums

If you’re like most Business Owners, Employee Benefits are of great concern!

We offer a new way of buying group health insurance. We’ve taken a different approach and we’ve helped BUSINESS OWNER’S reduce the cost of cost of employee benefits through a Professional Employer Organization (PEO). This translates into MINIMIZED RISKS and GREATER SAVINGS for you and your employees.

With our PEO solution, you become part of a group consisting of 1000’s of employees.

What is a PEO?

Professional employer organizations (PEOs) enable clients to cost-effectively outsource the management of human resources, employee benefits, payroll and workers’ compensation. PEO clients focus on their core competencies to maintain and grow their bottom line.
Through a PEO, the Employees of Small Business (100 and under) gain access to Big-Business Benefits such as: 401(k) plans; Health, Dental, Life, and other benefits that generally aren’t always available as Employees of a Small Company.


Here’s ALL You Need to Know…A Professional Employer Organization (PEO) is one of the Best-Kept Secrets of many Successful Small Businesses. Essentially, All You’re left to do is hire, supervise and promote (or terminate) your employees as needed.

*PEOs manage thousands of employees and can, therefore, purchase insurance and benefits at a Significant Savings or allow you to offer Higher-Quality Plans to attract and retain skilled employees.

*Experienced professionals in HR Risk management. The PEO will Employee Handbooks and the policies and procedures will be compliant with ever-changing State and Federal Laws and Regulations.

*PEO’s help with employment-related Regulatory Compliance (ADA, Quarterly and Annual Payroll Tax Reporting, OSHA, EEOC,etc.)…A Huge Advantage that can be worth more to your business than the $$$ Saved on Benefits!

*Should You have an HR-related employee claim, such as DISCRIMINATION ALLEGATION, a PEO will know what to do and will take the lead on managing the claim process.

Businesses across America have discovered the incredible value of PEOs

  • A wide range of personnel management solutions through a team of professionals.
  • Improved employment practices, compliance and risk management to REDUCE LIABILITIES.
  • Access to a comprehensive employee benefits package, allowing clients to be competitive in the labor market.
  • Assistance in handling Unemployment Claims, Complying with Cobra and Government Regulations.

– from NAPEO, What is a PEO?

Some of the government regulations that an employer must comply with, include:

  • Civil Rights Act-Title VII
  • PPACA – Affordable Care Act
  • ADAAA – Americans with Disabilities Act
  • COBRA – Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
  • HIPAA – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
  • PRWORA – Personal Responsibility Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act
  • FMLA – Family and Medical Leave Act
  • FLSA – Fair Labor Standards Act
  • ADEA – Age Discrimination in Employment Act
  • OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Act
  • IRCA – Immigration Reform and Control Act
  • WARN – Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act
  • ERISA – Employee Retirement Income Security Act